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International Business
I have an 8-10 page paper due Wednesday for International Business. It's an analysis of market strategy for wireless communications equipment in Uganda. I have about 2.5 pages done so far, and not much time coming in the next few days.

Here's the script a few months ago:

Silly Dave: Hey, Dave! Why don't you go get your MBA?
Smart Dave: Wait, I just got done with school a couple years ago... school's not fun!
Silly Dave: Oh, too bad! I already filled out the application!
Smart Dave: Noooooooo!!

2003-05-12 15:26:37 EST

Other Visitor's Comments:

And Matrix: Reloaded comes out on Thursday! Whatever will a Smart Dave do? On a related note, I'm going to see it Wednesday evening at 10pm. No waiting here!
2003-05-13 23:24:16

Created entirely by djmjr.
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